15+ PPC Interview Questions and Answers 2020

Ashutosh Kumar Bhardwaj
6 min readJul 29, 2020


Q1. Briefly explain Google Adwords

Adwords is Google’s online advertising platform that lets you target interested people to your website via search engine ads. The ads are created by taking keywords into consideration. Adword follows the bidding concept i.e., the more the price you pay for a keyword, the higher will be the ranking of your ad when someone enters that keyword in search.

Q2. Why use Google Adwords?

Google Adwords provides a competitive edge to the advertisers. The important benefits of using Google Adwords are:

  • Immediate exposure — Your ad can show up in the top 5 results on Google’s search engine results page
  • Reach & relevance — Target your potential customers with relevant ads in a timely manner when they perform a Google search for your products, services, or business.
  • Geotargeting — You can target your ads to the right consumers by selecting geographic locations
  • Reporting — Google AdWords reporting lets you analyze which keywords are working and which are not along with other factors and lets you edit your campaigns accordingly.
  • Flexible Budget — Google AdWords works well for all types of budgets and allows you to manage your bids and budgets.

Q3.What is PPC?

PPC stands for pay per click. In Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing the advertisers pay a fee each time a user clicks on their ad, irrespective of the outcome. The various types of PPC ads are search ads, local search ads, display ads and remarketing.

Q4. Benefits of SEM or in what ways is SEM better than SEO?

  • SEM is measurable and trackable. You can monitor how your campaigns are performing and keep track of impressions, clicks, and conversions.
  • SEM provides a better understanding of the behavior and search patterns of the customers.
  • SEM results show to a select target audience. SEO results do not. Through SEM, you can (depending on the publisher) select what audiences you want to see the search results by assigning filters based on age, location, income, habits, and more. Through SEO, you cannot specifically choose who will see your search results.
  • The impact of SEM is immediate, while SEO takes time. SEM allows you to quickly set up campaigns, create ads, and find new customers and prospects.
  • With SEM you can test your marketing efforts. It gives you the flexibility to immediately turn SEM paid ads off and on. Hence, you can quickly revise your ad copy, target new audiences, and change landing page content to test your new strategies. This flexibility lets you see differences in your strategies immediately. On the other hand, in SEO, it would take a lot of time to monitor the results of new strategies.
PPC Interview Questions and Answers

Q5. In what ways is SEO better than SEM?

  • SEO is Affordable rather than SEM. In the case of SEM, you pay each time a user clicks on an ad. Hence, you must have a budget for continually showing SEM ads. On the flip side, in case of SEO, you are never charged when a user clicks on an organic search result.
  • SEO adds value over time while SEM does not. SEM works only when you pay for your results to show. As soon as you turn off your ads, your SEM strategy ends. But an SEO strategy intensifies over time and leaves lasting results.
  • An SEO listing has a higher click-through rate (CTR) than SEM listing when displayed on the first page of SERPs. It has been observed that the first few organic search results typically have the highest CTRs.

Q6. What are the components of a good PPC landing page?

A good PPC landing page must consist of-

  • An attention-grabbing headline
  • A well-designed layout
  • Images that connect with the audience
  • Trust symbols
  • A list of benefits
  • A clear CTA (call to action)
  • A lead capture form

Q7. Which tools do you use for keyword research?

Make sure you have a basic working knowledge of the tools you mention in the interview. Some of the popular keyword research tools are

  • Google keyword planner
  • KWFinder
  • SEMrush
  • Ahrefs
  • SpyFu

Q8. Why we still focus on text ads while creating Display Campaigns?

Text ads are considered important because not all ad publishers will allow image and video ads. So using a text ad it helps to get maximum reach.

Q9. What is Ad rank?

Ad rank determines the position of your ad on the Google page. Ad rank is determined based on your bid for that keyword and quality score.

Q10. How does Ad rank affect CPC?

Ad rank determines the actual cost-per-click that your competitors pay when someone clicks on their ads. Here’s an example of how to calculate your average CPC. Let’s say your ad gets two clicks, one costing $0.20 and one costing $0.40, for a total cost is $0.60. You’d divide $0.60 (your total cost) by 2 (your total number of clicks) to get an average CPC of $0.30.(Source:- https://support.google.com/google-ads )

Q11.Explain CPC, CPM, and CPA.

CPM stands for cost-per-mile (mile being Latin for one thousand). In CPM, media companies charge advertisers for every 1000 impressions.

CPC stands for cost-per-click. It is the rate that websites charge advertisers every time someone clicks on their ad. If the CPC for a site is $5, and an ad gets 1000 clicks over the course of a month, the advertiser pays the publisher $5,000.

CPA stands for cost-per-action (also known as pay-per-performance or cost-per-acquisition). In the CPA model, the advertiser only pays if a user clicks and performs a specific action.

Google Adwords interview questions and answers

Q12. Explain what is conversion optimizer in Adwords?

AdWords Conversion Optimizer is a tool that helps in analyzing what auctions are most or least likely to convert and acquiring maximum conversions possible. Instead of manually manipulating bids and generating conversions at a cost, conversion optimizer automatically highers or lowers bids so conversions are generated within a defined CPA limit.

Q13. Mention some of the Google Adword Ad Extensions?

Ad Extensions are additional snippets of relevant information about your business that can be added to your AdWords text ads. Some of the popularly used Ad extensions in AdWords are

  • Sitelinks
  • Call Extensions
  • Location Extensions
  • Social Annotations
  • Seller ratings
  • Mobile app extensions
  • Offer ads
  • Communication Ad
  • Review extension
  • Image and drop down navigation Ad extension

Q14. Explain what is CTR and how to calculate it?

CTR stands for the Click-through rate. It indicates the percentage of visitors who clicked on your ad. The formula for calculating CTR is

CTR = (Total clicks on an ad / Total Number of impressions) X 100

Q15. What do you mean by impressions?

An Impression is created when an advertisement/post is displayed on a user’s screen. In other words, the number of impressions is determined by the number of times the advertisement is loaded on the user’s screen irrespective of what action the user takes.

Q16. What is Google Ad API?

Google Ad API is designed for managing multiple client accounts or large campaigns. representing large, tech-savvy advertisers and third parties. It allows developers to build an application that

With Google Ad API, you can build an application that directly interacts with the Google Adwords server and performs the below activities:

  • create keywords, ad text, customized reports, and landing pages.
  • develop new tools and applications to help you manage accounts
  • Synchronize Adwords data with a business’s inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock.

Source:- PPC Interview Questions and Answers — Digital Abbot

Read More:- SEO Interview Question-Answer



Ashutosh Kumar Bhardwaj

Founder of Digital Abbot Services, a digital marketing company in Delhi. http://digitalabbot.com